The girls sat and watched the lights twinkle on the half-decorated Christmas tree last night as the annual holiday music playlist crooned away in the background. When I took the photo above, they were matching straight down to the crossed position of their legs.
I missed being little- and Carla when she was little- watching their sweet tender sister moments under the tree. Eventually, Micah dozed off- the first to fall asleep by the light of the tree this year.
Once little Mills realized that Micah had fallen asleep, she hit up the sippy-cup and started her own after-hours party. When I inquired as to what exactly she was doing, Milla replied, "I do da potty-dance. See?"
Unfortunately, the potty dance ended with a little quandry about how to turn her pants right side out. I felt very grateful to have been privvy to the world premiere of this holiday potty dance performance.